time and people
Howdy. The freakin' weeken' is in our midst, and what do you have to show for it? Hopefully something enjoyable, relaxing, and/or adventurous. I've been doing a lot of reflecting today, as I have been having a difficult time with that lately. Reflection is such a necessary part of my routine for multiple reasons: it allows me to process everything on my mind, I start to recognize patterns in my behavior, and ultimately I can identify opportunities in my every day decision making and life. Two things that have been on my mind a lot are time and people. A little over a year ago I accepted a job working in a well known retailer's corporate office. Having no real corporate office experience, I quickly picked up on a lot of new behaviors and personal opportunities. The successful people are quick and nimble, extremely organized, manage their time well and respect others time as if it were their own. They say "good morning!" before they ask favors first thing. They remember important things about you, things that make you happy. Most importantly, they listen to what others have to say and when presented with a situation in which they can aid, they find creative solutions and seek what is best for not themselves - but what is best for the business.
I think a lot of lessons learned at work or in any professional setting can be applied directly to other aspects of your life. I've always valued working directly with amazing leaders, driven peers, and the most inspirational people around. My personal friendships do not fall very far from that tree. I would like to think that my friends are the cream-of-the-creative-crop. I have a lot of extremely talented and extraordinary people in my life, and for that I am grateful. I am always learning something new from someone I love, and that is what life is all about to me.
If you think about your time as a pie chart, you can quickly see the majority of your time being taken up. Sleep, work, eat, repeat, am I right? But I think what we are doing with the tiny chunks of time between the major blocks is what is most important. Who you choose to spend your time with, who you choose to talk to on a daily basis, who you choose to spend the rest of your life with.. these people are important. Obviously. So, who are you choosing to listen to? Whose advise are you taking? Who have you been texting all day? Sometimes I like to take some time and step back and really think about who is exactly getting the most intimate details of my life, and why them? Am I giving away my time to the right people? Most of the time the answer is "no shit, I am giving my time to the right people" - but it is always a good thing to evaluate from time to time.
Anyway, I am working a super top-secret project right now that I cannot wait to update everyone on! All I can say is, I think I will be always be a hopeless romantic. And I am perfectly fine with that. Now listen to this song and enjoy your evening <3
Happy Saturday, y'all!